Does Wearing Two Pairs Of Socks Prevent Blisters?

Hiking is the best outdoor activity to relax and enjoy mother nature. While going on hiking, the most essential are hiking boots. These boots make or break your entire hiking experience, so you should focus on getting the hiking boots that are most comfortable and durable to wear.

Whether you’re a beginner hiker, have experience in hiking, or have been on certain adventures, then you must know of the foot blisters the hiking boots cause. Foot blisters are very common among hikers and are very painful to endure. Does Wearing Two Pairs Of Socks Prevent Blisters?

There is not any technique or DIY methods that can solve or eliminate the blisters problem. But, few methods can help you prevent blisters while protecting the feet and ankles simultaneously.

You can apply powder to the feet and keep them dry before and after wearing the hiking boots to reduce friction between the foot and the shoe. Another method is using the trail socks that wick the moisture from the feet and reduce the intensity of friction. However, if you use the two socks, it will be more helpful in preventing blisters.

First, let’s talk about the reason behind the blisters and why you get them?

Reasons For Foot Blisters

Foot blisters occur when friction between the feet and the inside surface of the hiking boots. It can be because of sweat, boots being too big for the foot, and if you’re hiking for long hours.

Friction causes the outermost layers of the skin to get damaged and generate heat that pops out the blisters. Blisters are really painful, and if you have got them or are suffering from them, seek medical advice and immediately stop hiking activities to rest your feet.

Wearing Two Pairs Of Socks

To prevent the blisters, pro hikers use the two trail socks instead of just one, and they have claimed that the method helps reduce the friction between the feet and the, does wearing two pairs of socks prevent blisters, or is it just a myth? No, it’s not a myth. The two socks method works in favor of the feet and creates an extra layer of cushions so that the feet are more comfortable inside the boot. Moreover, it reduces the friction between your foot skin and the shoe, and you’ll not feel the boot surface as much as before.

System Of Two-Paired Socks

To wear the two pairs of trail socks when you go on the hiking venture, you need to have:

  • The inner layer – thin socks
  • The outer layer – thick socks

The reason for making the inner layer of the socks so thin is that the airflow is possible. It sucks the moisture because it is made up of nylon or polyester material, while the outer layer is made of wool or marina, reducing friction because it is thick-layered.

Thick layered socks also provide extra cushioning to the feet so that you don’t get the heel pain, and they also absorb the moisture so that the feet stay dry. This duo of thin + thick socks is something the hikers swear by, and it is effective in preventing blisters.

Pros Of Wearing Two Pairs Of Socks

Does wearing two pairs of socks prevent blisters? Layering the socks on the feet benefits whether you’re a person who goes on simple walks or jogs, runs the miles with sports shoes, and hikes on the trails. Two pairs of socks will keep you all fit, prevent blisters and keep your feet dry.

Wick Out Moisture

One of the primary factors in the formation of blisters is the moisture in the feet or the boots. Since the hiking boots are made water-resistant, they are not much breathable. That is why wearing them for longer periods will make your feet sweat and feel the heat.

Sweating will cause moisture and make the skin’s outermost layer prone to blisters. Wet socks can also be a welcoming sight to the bacteria causing rashes and itching in the feet. If you’re hiking in the icy weather, the wet socks may also cause frostbiting.

Layering the socks will cause the moisture to stay away from the feet, and it will not linger inside because the double layers will absorb it since they act as hydrophobic layers.

Protect Against Blisters

The main feature of the double-layered socks is that they will help prevent the blisters caused by excessive sweat, heat, and hiking. Since both layers act as a hydrophobic layer, they will suck the moisture from the feet and let the natural body temperature cool down the feet.

Since the moisture evaporates and the heat disperses, the feet feel fresh. The blisters do not occur while you enjoy the extra cushioning while looking at mesmerizing beauty scenes.

Cons Of Wearing Two Pairs Of Socks

Makes Boots Lose

On the downside, the two-layered socks can make your hiking boots or shoes lose because they fit tightly, and when you go on hiking or running for hours, your feet swell too. It causes the boots to loosen up a bit, and when you wear them with single socks, you’ll feel room inside the boots or shoes.

Extra Addition To Laundry

Sometimes wearing the two-layered socks can be extra. If you’re going for a normal walk and will be back home soon, you may not even need to layer up your feet. Moreover, it will be an addition to the laundry bag where you’ll have to wash more pairs of socks rather than one.

Other Options

Apart from layering the socks to prevent the blisters, there are some other options that you can explore:

  • Double Layer Socks: these socks have sock liners as their first layer that keeps the moisture away from the feet and are designed to prevent blisters.
  • Three Layer Socks: Some hikers who have to hike 30+ miles a day usually pair up 3 layers of socks to prevent blisters and keep the feet fresh.

When buying the socks, make sure to get the right fit. Your heels and feet should be able to breathe while not being too snuggly. Also, when going on the hikes, use the new or slightly used pair of socks as they have better features for preventing the blisters from happening.

Final Thoughts

Blisters are bound to happen if you are an avid hiker or a beginner at hiking. Many methods can prevent the blisters from happening, but unfortunately, there is no specific remedy to eliminate the factor.

Most hikers use the two-pair socks method to prevent blisters. It is very helpful because the two layers of socks act as a hydrophobic layer and wick the moisture away from the feet, keeping them dry.

Always make your socks fit right, and if you tend to sweat a lot during the hikes, you must try two socks to prevent blisters.

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